The NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) is a multinational military organization working for and accredited by NATO. We assist the Alliance in its goal of continuous transformation in the medical field. The COE is also the Department Head for the NATO Medical Support (Med Sup) Discipline.
The MILMED COE is also represented in the 2024 COE Catalogue published by the Allied Command Transformation.
TThe NATO MILMED COE has four medical branches, the Support Branch and the Directorate and it is overseen by the Steering Committee, which is composed of the delegates of each Sponsoring Nation. Sponsoring Nations are NATO Member States who chose to join the Centre. They delegate Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and contribute to the Budget of the COE. The four medical Branches are the following:
- Force Health Protection Branch (Deployment Health Surveillance Capability)
- Interoperability Branch
- Lessons Learned and Innovation Branch
- Training Branch
The Force Health Protection Branch is located in Munich, Germany, the rest of the Branches and supporting elements are located in Budapest, Hungary.
The Current leadership for the COE is the following (click for CVs):
- Director: Colonel Dr. László Fazekas (HUN)
- Deputy Director and Chief of Staff: Colonel Dr. Angelika Niggemeier-Groben (DEU)
Head over to our dedicated Department Head page!
MILMED COE was nominated by ACT Joint Force Trainer (JFT) to be the Department Head (DH) for the NATO Medical Support (Med Sup) Discipline. This appointment was approved by the North Atlantic Council (NAC) on 25 June 2015. The primary duty of the DH is to translate NATO operational requirements into education and training (E&T) solutions within the discipline framework.
Specifically, the DH for Med Sup E&T is responsible for matching the requirements with E&T solutions and for the coordination of those solutions. The DH will strive to ensure that the solutions identified are delivered in the most effective, efficient, and affordable manner through NATO Allies, Partners, and Non-NATO Entities (NNE). Additionally, the DH will conduct the Annual Discipline Conference (ADC), with participation from the community of interest, the Requirements Authority (SHAPE/ACO JMED/MEDAD), Subject Matter Experts (SME), E&T institutions and affiliated organizations and produce a Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP). The DAP will reflect the main developments and achievements and outline the way ahead, concerning NATO Med Sup E&T, as well as highlight the contributions to the MED Sup E&T by partners and NNE.
You can contact the responsible officer at dir.department@coemed.org
The NATO MILMED COE has multiple policy documents governing its work. These are the ones currently in effect:
The NATO MILMED COE, as an international military organization was created by the Operational Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Framework Nation (Hungary) and the initial Sponsoring Nations (the Founding Nations). It governs how the COE operates, describes the responsibilities of the key actors and sets the main mission of the organization.
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