Dear MILMED COE Community,
The Vigorous Warrior 2024 & Clean Care 2024 Multinational Medical exercises were successfully conducted from 28 April to 9 May, 2024, in Hungary, in the Hungarian Defence Forces BAKONY Combat Training Centre.
The next Vigorous Warrior exercise will be held in 2026 in Estonia.
The Vigorous Warrior exercise series is organized by the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine every two years. It allows participating NATO and partner nations to exercise together in a realistic Article 3 and 5 scenario, providing a unique opportunity to train along civilian assets, and offering nations the ability to exercise experimental doctrinal concepts, train in a multinational environment, and stress their medical assets which include first-responder, field hospital, theatre hospital, and definitive full-capability hospital care.
Previous exercises:
Vigorous Warrior 22 - Casualty Move 22 combined Table Top Exercise was successfully conducted from 3 to 9 April, 2022. (Training Audience present from 1 – 9 April) in the Hungarian Defence Forces Recreation, Training and Conference Centre (MH RKKK) Balatonakarattya.
Due to the pandemic, the 2021 iteration of the Vigorous Warrior Exercise series had to be postponed and the NATO MILMED COE, with its partner the Multinational Medical Coordination Centre/European Medical Command (MMCC/EMC) has decided to host a special, live tabletop exercise, capitalizing on the special expertise of MMCC/EMC in tabletop exercises and NATO MILMED COE’s legacy in running the Vigorous Warrior, with 23 Nations confirmed to participate.
Links related to VW22-CAMO22:
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)