VW22 - CAMO22 Scenario Vignettes Working Group
The TTX VW22 – CAMO22 is a collaborative project between the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine and the Multinational Medical Coordination Centre / European Medical Command, Koblenz (MMCC/EMC).
On the first day of the conference, Colonel Dr. Zoltán Vekerdi, Deputy Director of the NATO MILMED COE, greeted the representatives of the participating nations, especially the members of the MMCC/EMC. In his speech, he emphasized the practical significance of the VW22 – CAMO22 Exercise.
In addition to clarifying all important details, the process of the wargame was also discussed at the conference, which was introduced in a short demo video.
The VW22 – CAMO22 TTX has a high exercise value and a foreseeable high learning effect for all participants in a realistic and contemporary NATO scenario. It also allows participants from a diverse number of countries and medical backgrounds to take advantage from the activity and improve their network and understanding on medical interoperability.
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)