“Committed to the health of our forces”


ADL Page

Welcome to the NATO MILMED COE Advanced Distributed Learning page!

The NATO MILMED COE is developing its online courses with its own platform. In the meantime, our courses are available on NATO E-learning Portal https://jadl.act.nato.int/ 

The offered courses are the following (click for details):

ADL 366 NATO Health Surveillance Reporting V 1.1 MED-MS-32184 - Course description, Link to JADL portal (look for course ID 366 after login)
ADL 390 NATO Medical Standardization Orientation Course - Course description, Link to JADL portal (look for course ID 390 after login)

After registration on https://jadl.act.nato.int/, go to the Courses/Centres of Excellence(COEs) menu and choose the Military Medicine Centre of Excellence

Please note that a NATO-Military, Governmental, or NATO official email is required for registration.
If you do not have a military or official governmental email address, a sponsor is required from a NATO entity or NATO member nation command structure to verify that the training is for the benefit of NATO. 

If you have any other questions, please contact us at dir.intrel@coemed.org.

Course descriptions:

ADL 366 NATO Health Surveillance Reporting V 1.1 MED-MS-32184

The E-learning Course, MED-MS-32184 Surveillance Reporting, requires medical staff to “Manage NATO medical reporting”. EpiNATO-2 is currently the sole health surveillance report used in NATO deployments and is an important Force Health Protection tool. Correct management of reporting is essential. The Course provide the knowledge and skills and influence attitudes needed to routinely and effectively collect and report health surveillance data during NATO deployments.

Target Audience:

The primary target audience includes personnel involved in providing direct clinical care and administrative support in role 1,2 and 3 medical treatment facility settings. In addition, CJMED, CBRN defence staff and personnel wishing to attend the MED-MS-31669 NATO Health Surveillance and multinational management of epidemic crisis for operational Leaders Course.

ADL 390 NATO Medical Standardization Orientation Course


The aim is to enable basic knowledge and education in the field of NATO standardization to medical personnel assigned to National structures or NATO Command and Force Structures who will manage NATO medical standardization documents and processes. The course provides students with information on each of seven steps of the production, maintenance and management of NATO standardization documents so that after finalization of the course students have the basic knowledge in the field of standardization and are able to manage NATO medical standardization processes.

Target Population:

NATO and partners medical personnel assigned to both national and international positions in relation with medical standards. Non-medical personnel of NATO Command/Force Structure or multinational staff positions dealing with medical standards is also eligible.


• Language proficiency: English 3-2-3-2 according to STANAG 6001 (listening/speaking/reading/writing) • Computer skills: Students should be familiar with MS Office. • Pre-reading material: AAP 03, Ed. K, V1

Training Strategy:

The online course provides education in step-by-step strategy on each of seven steps of the production, maintenance and management of NATO standardization documents, specifically medical standards. NMSOOC familiarizes students to the COMEDS organization of work, NATO Standardization Office web site, searching tools and terminology.

Learning Objectives:

• LO 1 Recall and manage the steps of the NATO Standardization Process. The individual will recall and reproduce the steps and importance of the NATO Standardization Process by:

a. Order the hierarchy of standardization documents
b. List the levels of standardization
c. Description of unique elements of medical standardization

• LO 2 Reproduce and manage NATO Standardization Documents. The individual will demonstrate an understanding of the various NATO standardization documents by:

a. Identifying the difference between Allied Standards and Covering Documents
b. Arranging Allied Standards in the hierarchy pyramid
c. Recognition of NATO medical doctrine architecture in the operational, materiel, and administrative areas.

• LO 3 Demonstrate use of the NATO Standardization website. The individual will utilize the NATO Standardization website to;

a. Use the website to find various TAs, Working Groups and Panels
b. Name web-page key features and document search function
c. Ability to search for relevant documents.

NATO Standards and Doctrines:

· AAP-03 Directive for the production, maintenance and management of NATO standardization documents
· AAP-6 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions
· AJP 4.10(C) Allied Joint Medical Support Doctrine


25-28 March 2025
Budapest (HUN)
Major Incident Medical Management and Support
28 April - 02 May 2025
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
NATO Medical Evaluation Course
05-09 May 2025
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
NATO Medical Evaluation Course
DHS Level 1
13-16 May 2025
Marseille (FRA)
NATO Health Surveillance, and Multinational Management of Epidemic Crisis for Operational and Strategic Medical Leaders
19-23 May 2025
Marseille (FRA)
NATO Health Epidemic Investigation and Management in Deployments
02-06 June 2025
Budapest (HUN)
Emergency Management of Battlefield Injuries
07-09 October 2025
Budapest (HUN)
Military Psychosocial Incident Management


NATO Standardization Office
Future Forces Forum
Military Medicine Forum
Semmelweis Egyetem
MH Egészszégügyi Központ
École du Val-de-Grâce