The NATO MILMED COE offers a wide range of courses for the medical community. Head over to our Course Description Page for a detailed introduction to each of the courses or use the links here to navigate directly to them.
For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar, for registering the already opened courses, click here to access the Event Registration Page or scroll down to read about our courses. For NATO Partner Nations, ePrime funds are available, click here for more information on ePrime!
Click on the name of the course to navigate to the specific course:
- MEDEVAL (Medical Evaluation) Course
- PECC (Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell) Course
- MIMMS (Major Incident Medical Management and Support) Course
- EMBI (Emergency Management of Battlefield Injuries) Course
- EMMT (Emergency Medical Multinational Team) Training
- MPSIM (Military Psychosocial Incident Management) Course for Military Leaders
- NMSIC (NATO Medical Staff Introduction Course) - Mobile Training Opportunity
Force Health Protection-related learning opportunities are also available by our Force Health Protection Branch. All info about that is available from here.
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)