Health Information Systems and Technology Working Group
The meeting was held at the Centro de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN), and a half-day visit to the Central Military Hospital of the Spanish Army. The HIST-WG autumn 2022 meeting focused primarily on experimentation, cybersecurity and increasing interoperability between nations in the field of military health information systems, technology, and information exchange. Part of the time was also devoted to discussing the involvement of individual nations and organizations in next year's CWIX23. Med-IER P discussed the required changes to the format of medical messages for publication in APP 11 (NATO Message Catalogue). The Tele-Health (TH-P) panel considered definitions relevant to the area of remote medical care delivery, as well as involvement in the upcoming TIDE SPRINT and next year's development of FMN (Federated Mission Networking) Spiral 6. A visit was also organized at the Central Spanish Army Hospital to meet with the Telemedicine Team and observe in real time the consultation between the mentors from the Hospital and the R1 medical staff in a remote location.
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)