Lessons Learned and Innovation Branch visit to KFOR
The Lessons Learned process is an essential tool in developing interoperability in NATO missions and enhancing cooperation among the various players in the medical support area.
All military medical personnel is given the opportunity to provide their observations, suggestions, proposals, or comments on the MilMed COE website. Those inputs undergo an analysis process, and later can be ascertained as lessons identified, which – after defining the remedial actions and the action bodies - could be developed into lessons learned.
This process is not working without real-life inputs, which was why LLIB members traveled to Kosovo to promote observation collection from the medical personnel.
On their tour, they first visited Camp Film City in Pristina and were welcomed by the Commander of the KFOR, MG Kajári, and his staff.
They had talks with the chief and deputy chief of JMED Col. Dr. König and CPT Walker. They also visited the ROLE 1 and ROLE 2 facilities to ask about their experiences and encouraged them to submit observations.
For the next 2 days they traveled to Camp Novo Selo and Villaggio Italia, ROLE 1 facilities are located at both places, and the personnel was enthusiastic about sharing their observations and suggestions with the military medical community.
Getting better is all about learning, and NATO MILMED COE is dedicated to providing the lessons for that.

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Marseille (FRA)