Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) course
Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) course presents the nature and management of a major incident, focusing on how to deliver the medical support needed to multiple casualties. As the only international standard in major incident medical management, the course is taught and the principles are practiced throughout the world, being integrated into civilian and military medical practice. NATO recognized the benefit of applying the approach taught in the MIMMS course and made it mandatory for all medical personnel deployed to a NATO operation in ACO Directive 83-1. The MIMMS course is a true partnership between military and civilian experts having the benefit in case of an Article V. scenario when Civil – Military cooperation is inevitable. The principles (CSCATTT) of MIMMS have been integrated into the STANAG 2879.
This 3-day course with certification valid for 4 years, run under license from ALSG, is concerned with the clinical management of a major incident at the scene and is aimed at candidates from medical, nursing, paramedic, medical commanders and medical planners’ background. In 40 hours, including a pre-course learning (VLE) element, you will develop your knowledge, skills and abilities in this topic.
The course objectives include the understanding of the organisations, structures and roles in managing major incidents and how they work together, the preparation and implementation a structured approach when responding to major incidents (CSCATTT), and the delivery of the medical support needed at major incidents, through triage, treatment and transport.
It covers aspects including preparation, communications/ radio procedures, command and control and triage through series of interactive lectures, skills stations, workshops, triage exercises, table-top exercises and practical exercises without casualties (PEWCS).
To book your next course, simply scan this code using your smart phone or follow this link: Registration
Save the date and see you on 10th-13th October 2022 in Budapest.
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)