Medical professionals visited the dog patrol unit
The visitors were first informed about the task system of the patrol dogs and their use at the airport, after which the group viewed the conditions in which the dogs are housed. The professional program ended with a demonstration, during which the medical team could make sure of the good health and training of the dogs. The medical professionals were interested in the housing conditions, training and capabilities of the patrol dogs serving at the Pápa Airbase.
Another goal of the visit was to strengthen the international animal health cooperation and the collaboration between physicians and veterinarians, which is essential for armies that keep animals in terms of zoonoses. From the point of view of zoonosis, since everyone inevitably comes into contact with nature, even soldiers, this cooperation cannot be ignored, but must be supported and advocated. (Zoonosis: primarily a disease that spreads from animal to human, less often from human to animal).
Source: HM Zrínyi Cartography and Communication Service Public Benefit Nonprofit Limited Liability Company
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)