MILMED COE Training Branch visit to the Department of Operational Medicine of Pécs University
A tour of the skills lab demonstrated the technical capabilities and impact on human performance. Visitors and hosts through collective efforts, they had search cooperation main objectives and tasks in common themes during the visit. Identifying and sharing examples of good practices, ideas, and solutions, and tailoring them to common needs in order to develop an action plan.
It was agreed that the NATO MILMED COE and Pecs University should continue to expand their areas of cooperation and support. The MILMED COE looks forward to Pécs increased involvement in both Exercise VIGOROUS WARRIOR and COE hosted courses.
Thank you to our hosts Dr. Szilárd Rendeki MD (Department of Defense, Disaster and Law Enforcement Medicine, Senior clinical director of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care and Department of Operative Medicine) and Ret. LtC. Ardnold Koltai (Ex-special forces officer, military ESME of the Op.Med. Dept. of Pécs University).
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Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)