One step closer to the pre-COVID period: Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) course in Budapest
The MIMMS course has been developed by the Advanced Life Support Group from the United Kingdom (UK) and adapted to suit the needs of the Military Medical Major Incident Management System open and valuable for the members of Defence Forces.
MIMMS is a synergy of joint experience. A structured military approach to managing crisis is combined with civilian exemplars of practice and research. This collaboration has endured for almost 20 years, with continuous incremental change.
NATO recognized the benefit of applying the approach taught on the MIMMS course and made it mandatory to all medical personnel deployed to a NATO operation in ACO Directive 83-1. The MIMMS course is a true partnership between military and civilian experts having the benefit in case of an Article V. scenario when Civil – Military cooperation is inevitable. The principles (CSCATTT) of MIMMS have been integrated into the STANAG 2879.
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Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)