“Committed to the health of our forces”



The NATO MILMED COE offers a wide range of courses for the medical community. This page introduces each course we offer. 

For courses offered online via our Advanced Distributed Learning Platform, please head over to our ADL page.

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar, for registering the already opened courses, click here to access the Event Registration Page or scroll down to read about our courses. For NATO Partner Nations, ePrime funds are available, click here for more information on ePrime!

Click on the name of the course to navigate to the specific course:

Interoperability-related learning opportunities are:
Force Health Protection-related learning opportunities are:
Check out the Course Registration page for upcoming open iterations!

 NATO Medical Evaluation (MEDEVAL) Course (COE-MED-M4-003)

Besides the Medical Evaluation Course, the COE performs Medical Evaluations as well. Click here to get more info on that.

Aim: To ensure validity, credibility and consistency in the application of the NATO MEM tool during the evaluation process.

Target Population: Appropriately qualified staff from NATO Command/Force Structure, Lead Nation (LN) and Troop Contributing Nations (TCNs) primarily involved in evaluation and certification of MMU assigned to a NATO Command. In addition, anyone involved in military medical education, training and evaluation.


• Language proficiency: English according to STANAG 6001 (listening/speaking/reading/writing)
• Computer skills: Students should be familiar with MS Office.
• Other pre-requisites: Medical background
• Pre-reading material: AMedP 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8

Instructional Components:

• Day 1: NATO command and force structure; Medical support to current/future NATO operations; Medical related doctrine hierarchy and development process; NATO evaluation policy; Capability based modular approach of multinational medical support; Introduction to Medical Evaluation Manual; Definitions; Evaluation levels, Evaluation Outcome; Application of the Tool, Evaluation process; Evaluation Team and Reporting; Skillset and Capability Matrix; Syndicate Task Introduction, Syndicate Task I
• Day 2: Syndicate Task I: Focus FIR, FER, presentations and discussion; Syndicate Task II: Focus FIR, FER, presentations and discussion;
• Day 3: Syndicate Task III: Focus FIR, FER, presentations and discussion; Syndicate Task IV: LIVEX briefing
• Day 4: LIVEX, MMU Evaluation; Syndicate Task IV a: FIR preparation, briefing, discussion
• Day5: Syndicate Task IV b: FER preparation, FER presentations and discussion; Test

Learning Objectives:

• LO 1 be familiar with capability based modular approach of multinational medical support to NATO operations
• LO 2 have knowledge of medical evaluation process within the framework of validation and certification
• LO 3 be able to evaluate medical modules as an evaluation team leader/member

NATO Standards and Doctrines:

MC 326/2 NATO Principles and Policies of Operational Medical Support AAP-6 NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions AJP 4.10(A) Allied Joint Medical Support Doctrine AMedP-13 NATO Glossary of Medical Terms and Definitions AMedP-27 Medical Evaluation Manual MC-551 Medical Support Concept for NATO Response Force Operations MC-0458/2 (mentioned in POI III EO 1.4) AFS volumes I-XI (mentioned in POI III EO 1.4).

Download the NATO Medical Evaluation Manual (MEM):

Medical Evaluation Manual - AMedP 1.6
Medical Evaluation Manual - AMedP 1.7
Medical Evaluation Manual - AMedP 1.8

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar!

For registration please head to our Registration Page contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course Admin at registration@coemed.org or in case of any further assistance please do not hesitate to call +36 1 883 0132.

MILMED COE courses are also available via the NATO ePRIME system; students from NATO partner nations can get reimbursed up to 100%.

 NATO Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell (PECC) Course (COE-MED-M4-008)

Course organized in cooperation with the Centre for Operational Training and Exercise of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, Feldkirchen

Aim: To provide knowledge and exercise skills required to effectively work in a Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell (PECC) and to enable participants to achieve situational awareness in a multinational operational environment.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the course the student should:
LO 1 understand the NATO medical support system in multinational operations
LO 2 understand the functions, responsibilities, and tasks of the PECC in a NATO multinational operational environment
LO 3 how, where and when to collect and manage required information to achieve situational awareness to support the PECC functionality

Target Population: All personnel required to have knowledge of PECC tasks and function in a national/multinational operational environment including all personnel planned to be deployed as a member of a PECC or medical staff in a NATO/EU/UN or other missions.

For registration please contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course Admin at registration@coemed.org or in case of any further assistance please do not hesitate to call +36 883 0132.

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar!

For registration please head to our Registration Page contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course Admin at registration@coemed.org or in case of any further assistance please do not hesitate to call +36 1 883 0132.

MILMED COE courses are also available via the NATO ePRIME system; students from NATO partner nations can get reimbursed up to 100%.

 Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) Course (COE-MED-M4-002)

The course has been developed by the Advanced Life Support Group from the United Kingdom (UK) MIMMS Course and adapted to suit the needs of the Military Medical Major Incident Management System open and valuable for the members of Defence Forces.
MIMMS is a synergy of joint experience. A structured military approach to managing crisis is combined with civilian exemplars of practice and research. This collaboration has endured for almost 20 years, with continuous incremental change.
Responders of many disasters worldwide had been trained in MIMMS principles and these are also applied on a near-daily basis within the medical chain in Afghanistan. NATO recognized the benefit of applying the approach tought on the MIMMS course and made it mandatory to all medical personnel deployed to a NATO operation in ACO Directive 83-1. The MIMMS course is a true partnership between military and civilian experts having the benefit in case of an Article V. scenario when Civil – Military cooperation is inevitable. The principles (CSCATTT) of MIMMS have been integrated into the STANAG 2879.

Aim: To provide the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage the scene of a major casualty incident in a military environment.

Target Population: Military officers, Warrant Officers and Senior NCOs or civilian equivalents of an organization likely to be involved in the management of major incidents. Officers from NATO, PfP or MD Nations assigned or likely to be selected for assignment to a NATO operational deployment.

- Language proficiency: English according to STANAG 6001 (listening/speaking/reading/writing)
- Other pre-requisites: be able to understand the pre-reading material and to return the pre-test before the start date of the course.

Instructional Components:
- CSCATTT: Command, Safety, Communication, Assessment, Triage, Treatment, Transport, 
- Table Top Exercises
- Practical Exercise without Casualties
- Workshop
- Course assessment: during the course a practical test will take place; the participants will receive a certificate after the successful completion of the test.

Learning Objectives:

• LO 1 Understand the principles of Major Incident Management.
• LO 2 Be able to participate in the planning and conduct of support for a major casualty producing incident on a deployed operation.

Standards and Doctrines:
- Timothy J Hodgets, Crispin Porter: Major Incident Management System; BMJ Books (ISBN 978-0-7279-1614-3)
- Advance Life Support Group: Major Incident Medical Management and Support: The Practical Approach at the scene; BMJ Books (ISBN 978-1-4051-8757-2)
- STANAG 2879 - Principles of medical policy in the management of a mass casualty situation
- ACO Directive 83-1: Medical support to operations

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar!

For registration please head to our Registration Page contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course Admin at registration@coemed.org or in case of any further assistance please do not hesitate to call +36 1 883 0132.

MILMED COE courses are also available via the NATO ePRIME system; students from NATO partner nations can get reimbursed up to 100%.

  Emergency Management of Battlefield Injuries (EMBI) Course (COE-MED-M4-001)

Course organized in cooperation with Ecole du Val-de-Grâce, Paris and the Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre, Budapest

Aim: This yearly international course is aimed at providing to a large panel of military health professionals (juniors and seniors of different specialties) the state of the art knowledge about EMBI.

Target Audience: Medical doctors, specialists, technicians and nurses who are planning to work in a multinational medical environment in NATO/UN/EU missions.

Language proficiency: English according to STANAG 6001 (listening/speaking/reading/writing)

Instructional Components: 80% of the course deals with the core knowledge of prehospital care, damage control surgery and resuscitation deployment experiences, 10-15% is dedicated to this year's special focus on TRIAGE and massive influx of bleeding casualties, 5-10% deals with History of Military Medicine/Research and Development/Mental Health.

Hands-on workshops: Airway management, Haemorrhage control procedures, Emergent invasive interventions, FAST Scan, Clamshell thoracotomy, Decompression craniotomy, Limb external fixation

Operational experiences from a number of NATO nations

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar!

For registration please head to our Registration Page contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course Admin at registration@coemed.org or in case of any further assistance please do not hesitate to call +36 1 883 0132.

MILMED COE courses are also available via the NATO ePRIME system; students from NATO partner nations can get reimbursed up to 100%.

 Military Psychosocial Incident Management Course (MILMED COE M4-015) for Military Leaders

Military commanders could become concerned about the impact of continuous, critical, and traumatic operations on those in their command. One of their responsibility is to effectively start up and/or manage psychological care before they can consult with a military psychologist.
Military commanders assume a number of responsibilities related to health and medical support. Those include but are not limited to certain psychological support and countermeasures.

Aim: The course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills for military leaders to effectively start up and/or to manage psychosocial care in the aftermath of a minor or major casualty incident and to enable participants to achieve psychosocial awareness in a military multinational environment.

Target Audience: Military officers and NCO’s (including civilian equivalents) working in NATO-member countries, PfP countries, MD countries, ICI countries involved in or having a responsibility (before – during – after a critical incident) in the psychosocial decision-making process (Chain of Command, mental healthcare, psychosocial incident management).

Language proficiency: English according to STANAG 6001-Standard Language Profile 
To be familiar with some basic documents on mental health care: e.g. STANAG 2565 and 2564.
To be able to create a PPT presentation.

Instructional Components:

Day 1: Theoretical approach: The definition, the psychological impact, the consequences, the effects and the mechanisms of assimilation and the needs of victims of minor/major casualty incidents; The traumatizing risk factors and an example of methodological screening; The possible psychosocial intervention strategies (time-limited, basic principles, target groups, resilience, window of tolerance); A methodology of psychosocial incident management.

Day 2: Practical approach: To train the skills of a psychosocial manager following the given methodology of psychosocial incident management (Case study / Tabletop exercise).

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the participant should

LO1: know the 7 steps of the 7 steps-methodology of psychosocial incident management and understand how to implement the given methodology of psychosocial incident management.
LO2: act (1) as a psychosocial manager in analysing a minor/major casualty incident following the given methodology of psychosocial incident management; and (2) as an advisor to the CoC (Chain of Command) in the psychosocial incident management in the theatre of operations.
LO3: be a more responsible manager in case of psychosocial interventions; be conscious of the necessity to have a psychosocial incident management plan; be able to translate and apply the given methodology of psychosocial incident management into their own national setting.

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar!

For registration please head to our Registration Page contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course Admin at registration@coemed.org or in case of any further assistance please do not hesitate to call +36 1 883 0132.

MILMED COE courses are also available via the NATO ePRIME system; students from NATO partner nations can get reimbursed up to 100%.

 NATO Medical Staff Introduction Course (NMSIC)

MILMED COE TRB developed this course based on the outcome of the 2015 NATO Training Needs Analysis and the Annual Discipline Conference. An introduction to and information about the tasks and organization of Medical Staff Functions in NATO Force/Command Structure is currently identified as a gap in the education of the NATO medical community.

The aim of the Course is to provide the target audience with basic information on NATO medical organization, roles and responsibilities, with the emphasis on the medical staff functions within NATO Command Structure (NCS), NATO Force Structure (NFS) and NATO missions.

The Course is designed for all NATO and Partner Nations’ personnel planned to fill NATO medical staff positions at the NCS or NFS, in (NATO) Missions, or at national medical staff positions dealing with NATO related tasks from rank OR6 to OF4.

The design of the course enables it to be taught with a mobile training team, therefore the possibility to project out the course from Budapest is open. Please contact us at training@coemed.org for further information.

International Medical Management of Radiation Injuries (I-MED) Course (MED-MS-25678)

Mobile Education Training Team (METT) Course organized in cooperation with the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The I-MED course is NATO approved and taught by three Subject Matter Experts (Medical Doctor, Health Physicist, and Trauma Nurse) which travel to the training Host Nation from the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center / Training Site, or REAC/TS located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA).

Aim: The I-MED Course is designed to teach participants how to respond to medical emergencies involving radiation exposure / contamination and how to improve the treatment and care of the injured.

Description and Overview: 4.5 day course (NO TUITION) is applicable to hospital and pre-hospital settings and stresses the integration of professional medical care, radiation protection, and health physics. I-MED consists of a combination of classroom lectures, demonstrations and activities that reinforce the lessons / course materials and thrives to engage every participant in hands-on training, reviewing medical best-practices for radiation treatment, and ensuring safety for the injured as well as the care providers.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the course the student should:
LO 1 Improve the treatment and care of radiation injuries and illnesses caused by nuclear or radiological incidents or accidents
LO 2 Protect medical personnel involved in treating injuries
LO 3 Reduce / diminish the spread of radioactive contamination during patient transport and treatment

Target Population: NATO/Alliance physicians, nurses, pre-hospital medical providers, radiological environmental protection specialists, and health physicists with the responsibility of responding to radiation or medical emergencies. Both military and civilians are encouraged to attend as well as multi-national members representing NATO or the Alliance.

For registration, please contact NATO MILMED COE Training Branch Course (train.eval@coemed.org) or Mr. Andrae Brooks (DOE/NNSA) at andrae.brooks@nnsa.doe.gov.
For further details about the course: see the Information brochure.

For upcoming dates, please check our Course Calendar!

 ePrime funding for NATO Partner Nations

What is ePrime?

The ePrime (Partnership Real-Time Information Management and Exchange System) is the official event management and education platform for NATO partnerships. It is a cooperative project between Switzerland and NATO.
The courses are available via the NATO ePRIME system; students from NATO partner nations can get reimbursed up to 100%.
The ePrime Partnerships Cooperation Menu (PCM) covers the following cooperation programmes and countries:
• The Partnership for Peace (PfP)
• The Mediterranean Dialogue (MD)
• The Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI)
• Military Training and Exercise Programme (MTEP)
• Afghanistan, Australia, Iraq, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New-Zealand and Pakistan.
ePRIME number of the MILMED COE Courses:

o    Emergency Management of Battlefield Injuries (EMBI) Course – COE-MED-M4-001 – ePrime: ACT.406
o    Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) Course – COE-MED-M4-002 – ePrime: ACT.407
o    NATO Medical Evaluation (MEDEVAL) Course – COE-MED-M4-003 – ePrime: ACT.40
o    NATO Emergency Medical Multinational Team (EMMT) Training – COE-MED-M4-006 – ePrime: ACT.411
o    NATO Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell (PECC) Course – COE-MED-M4-008 – ePrime: ACT.412
The NATO MILMED COE is constantly accrediting the new courses by the above-mentioned authorities and they will be listed in the respective catalogues. For more information concerning ePRIME please contact train.eval2@coemed.org.


25-28 March 2025
Budapest (HUN)
Major Incident Medical Management and Support
28 April - 02 May 2025
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
NATO Medical Evaluation Course
05-09 May 2025
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
NATO Medical Evaluation Course
DHS Level 1
13-16 May 2025
Marseille (FRA)
NATO Health Surveillance, and Multinational Management of Epidemic Crisis for Operational and Strategic Medical Leaders
19-23 May 2025
Marseille (FRA)
NATO Health Epidemic Investigation and Management in Deployments
02-06 June 2025
Budapest (HUN)
Emergency Management of Battlefield Injuries
07-09 October 2025
Budapest (HUN)
Military Psychosocial Incident Management


NATO Standardization Office
Future Forces Forum
Military Medicine Forum
Semmelweis Egyetem
MH Egészszégügyi Központ
École du Val-de-Grâce